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Calendário de Eventos

Convocação UNESCO
Quarta-feira, 4. Outubro 2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Visualizações : 113
por ascom
[09:25, 03/10/2023] Eugenio Bidondo: Querida Angela. Espero que estés bien.
Mañana habrá una reunión y me gustaría que su equipo pueda participar.
La convocó kristof vandemberg de unesco.  Es sobre los nuevos criterios de aplicabilidad.
[09:25, 03/10/2023] Eugenio Bidondo: Es a las 1pm gmt
[09:26, 03/10/2023] Eugenio Bidondo: Please note that we have scheduled a similar meeting in Spanish for the colleagues in Spain and Latin America on Wednesday 4 October at 3 pm CET (1 pm GMT). I copy the UNESCO colleagues in the Regional Science Office in Latin America and the GeoLAC colleagues, and invite them to send this invitation to anyone who is involved in the preparation of geoheritage inventories and presentation in view of a geopark application.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 1221 9656
Passcode: 288124

With kind regards.
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Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha Campus Panambi

Rua Erechim, 860 - Bairro Planalto - CEP 98280-000 - Panambi, RS - Telefone: (55) 3376-8800